These socks are truly an all-rounder as it can be worn not just for daily use, but also for casual workouts such as jogging and gym training as well as for outdoor activities including camping and light hiking. Machine-washable, anti-shrinkage merino wool is used as the fabric. With reflective yarn knitted in the thin ankle stripe, it improves safety during night-time activities. The nylon-blend fabric offers extra durability. The sole of this model is brushed for extra cushioning. The simple and solid design fits any opportunity and outfit.
These socks are truly an all-rounder as it can be worn not just for daily use, but also for casual workouts such as jogging and gym training as well as for outdoor activities including camping and light hiking. Machine-washable, anti-shrinkage merino wool is used as the fabric. With reflective yarn knitted in the thin ankle stripe, it improves safety during night-time activities. The nylon-blend fabric offers extra durability. The sole of this model is brushed for extra cushioning. The simple and solid design fits any opportunity and outfit.