The king of coats. The be-all and end-all of cold-weather dressing. An ode to outerwear. This luxurious take is crafted from a handsome washed Italian fabric — and it’s water resistant, too. The balmacaan itself is a Scottish style, named for an area near Inverness where it’s thought to have originated in the 19th century. Our take is an update on the classic fit, hitting at the knee; details include a removable belt, partial lining and plenty of pockets. The collar lays flat; button it all the way to the top and pop it for a close, warm fit.
The Todd Snyder Collection is crafted from fine Japanese and Italian fabrics from a few of our favorite old-school, heritage mills, like Tollegno. Founded in 1900, Tollegno oversees everything from harvesting the raw materials to spinning yarn to weaving the fabric, all in pursuit of continuing Italy’s Biellese wool textile tradition.
The king of coats. The be-all and end-all of cold-weather dressing. An ode to outerwear. This luxurious take is crafted from a handsome washed Italian fabric — and it’s water resistant, too. The balmacaan itself is a Scottish style, named for an area near Inverness where it’s thought to have originated in the 19th century. Our take is an update on the classic fit, hitting at the knee; details include a removable belt, partial lining and plenty of pockets. The collar lays flat; button it all the way to the top and pop it for a close, warm fit.